Economic analysis of silviagriculture in Tamil Nadu - A comparative study C. Sekar, C. Swaminathan and C. Surendran

By: Contributor(s): Subject(s): In: Range Management & Agroforestry 14, no. 2 (1993),pp. 219-224Summary: The study reveals that among the three enterprises viz., agriculture, silviculture and silviagriculture, silivi-agriculture was more profitable and can yield a sustained income to the farmer. Therefore, the farmers can go in for silviagriculture by selecting the agricultural crops with minimum costs and maximum return. Thus, silviagriculture will provide a good scope for improving income and generating a steady income flow for many years, besides providing increased forest cover.
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The study reveals that among the three enterprises viz., agriculture, silviculture and silviagriculture, silivi-agriculture was more profitable and can yield a sustained income to the farmer. Therefore, the farmers can go in for silviagriculture by selecting the agricultural crops with minimum costs and maximum return. Thus, silviagriculture will provide a good scope for improving income and generating a steady income flow for many years, besides providing increased forest cover.

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